flow-merge Help

Merge two Llama 3.1 8B models

A How-to article is an action-oriented type of document. It explains how to perform a specific task or solve a problem, and usually contains a sequence of steps. Start with a short introductory paragraph that explains what users will accomplish by following this procedure, what they need to perform it for, or define the target audience of the doc.

Before you start

It is good practice to list the prerequisites that are required or recommended.

Make sure that:

  • First prerequisite

  • Second prerequisite.

How to perform a task

Avoid writing procedures that are longer than 5 steps to keep it simple. If the title of a procedure repeats the chapter title, consider dropping the 'title' attribute of the procedure.

How to title

  1. Step with a code block.

    Hello, world!
  2. Step with a link.

  3. Step with a list.

    • List item.

    • List item.

    • List item.

Last modified: 22 August 2024